How To NOT Take Things Personally

Freedom from drama, judgement, and snarky comments at work and at home. Really.

Do you believe every criticism or do comments hurt your feelings?

I hear you. I see you. I was you. That's why I created this course. To give you FREEDOM to show up fully in your life regardless of other people's words.

Introducing the 4 Step Formula for How To NOT Take Things Personally
  • Step #1. Recognize when we’re taking it personally

  • Step #2. Define the meaning we are applying

  • Step #3. Factualize it

  • Step #4. Move forward

  • The formula works. It’s simple, immediately applicable, and powerful. And now it's an online course so you can learn this life improving skill at your convenience.

  • Free your Self from the trap of someone’s words. Do it for You. Do it for your career.

Freedom is yours

Do it to free yourself from family and office drama.


Take this course once and be forever free from taking things personally, feeling criticized, or believing a verbal attack. Give yourself the gift of loving yourself so much their words just bounce off.

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  • Images: wocintech (microsoft) - 4, Matthew Henry